- A folder with your name on the server, with your completed film, demo reel, storyboards, designs, and script in it!
- In that folder, include a text file with a link to your website/blog that showcases your portfolio in a professional manner! Below that, offer a writeup about the class: likes, dislikes, what you learned, what you feel helped the most, and anything you think would make it better in the future!
- Then, class will go as follows:
- You will present your film! You have no more than 10 minutes to present! Be sure to touch on the following:
- Your production process (showcase images, storyboards, snapshots of your film!) It helps to have all this organized AHEAD of time, to better showcase your film!
- The story itself: Who are the characters? What is the theme of the story? Can you pitch the story to me in a short sentence (the log line, or hook)
- After this, we will watch the film and critique!
Your semester grade will be determined by the following:
- past grades (including midterms)
- punctuality with regards to completing assignments
- attendance
- assignment completion
- etc
- your film:
- storytelling efficiency how the story is told)
- animation quality and craftsmanship
- utilization of the 12 principles of animation
- cinematography techniques
- drawing for animation: how well the art enhances the storytelling
- use of volumetric drawing, characterization, etc.
- sound production quality
- your portfolio
- your demo reel
- your presentation! I will grad this HARD on professionalism!