Monday, December 1, 2014

Final Checklist for the End of the Semester!

At 8:45 AM, you must have the following:

  1. A folder with your name on the server, with your completed film, demo reel, storyboards, designs, and script in it!
  2. In that folder, include a text file with a link to your website/blog that showcases your portfolio in a professional manner!  Below that, offer a writeup about the class: likes, dislikes, what you learned, what you feel helped the most, and anything you think would make it better in the future!
  • Then, class will go as follows:
    • You will present your film! You have no more than 10 minutes to present! Be sure to touch on the following:
    • Your production process (showcase images, storyboards, snapshots of your film!) It helps to have all this organized AHEAD of time, to better showcase your film!
    • The story itself:  Who are the characters? What is the theme of the story?  Can you pitch the story to me in a short sentence (the log line, or hook) 
    • After this, we will watch the film and critique!

Your semester grade will be determined by the following:
  • past grades (including midterms)
  • punctuality with regards to completing assignments
    • attendance
    • assignment completion
    • etc
  • your film:
    • storytelling efficiency how the story is told)
    • animation quality and craftsmanship
    • utilization of the 12 principles of animation
    • cinematography techniques
    • drawing for animation: how well the art enhances the storytelling
      • use of volumetric drawing, characterization, etc.
    • sound production quality
  • your portfolio
  • your demo reel
  • your presentation!  I will grad this HARD on professionalism!

From the dm230 Blog: An Intro to Premiere!

1. Organize Demo Reel Materials into one project folder in your Documents folder. Create subfolders to further organize. If you want to import anything it must be first copied to your project folder. All project assets should live within your project folder.

Make sure that all of your footage has the same pixel dimensions (1920X1080) and frame rate(24). All materials should be exported using the animation codec.

While you can mix pixel dimensions and frame rates on a timeline. It makes the process much more complicated. This tutorial will deal with consistent pixel dimensions, frame rate, and codec.

2. Launch Premiere. Select Create New:
New Project from the pop up window.

3. From the new project window
Name -- Name your project

Location -- Click the Browse button to navigate to your project folder in your documents folder. This will select the destination path for your new project.

Select the Scratch Disks Tab from the New Project Window. Check to make sure that each path listing is set to same as Project. Now all of your scratch disks will be set to the Location you just assigned. 

4. Premiere will open. Along the top bar of the application, you should see your destination path and project name. The image below will give you a basic primer on each of the windows, some basic keyboard shortcuts to memorize, etc.

5. To begin editing create a new sequence
File | New | Sequence
Select Preset
Digital SLR
DSLR 1080p24

name your sequence

The sequence will now appear in your project window