Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Homework for Monday, 9/26/2016

Next week is the start of the animation section of class! I need you to complete the following for a grade by Monday. 

At this point, each of you should have a full preproduction package for your film. This weekend:

  • Make all changes to your storyboards and animatic. Label every scene and section of your storyboard accordingly.
  • Export your storyboards from Toon Boom Storyboard Pro.
  • Produce FINISHED, COMPLETE, PROFESSIONAL environment designs for your story, with color!
  • Produce FINISHED, COMPLETE, PROFESSIONAL model sheets of your characters with color!
  • Export your Animatic from Toon Boom Storyboard Pro, and bring it to class ready to turn in!
  • Pick six(6) seconds of your animation to start with next week.  Pick a section in the middle of your story so you have time to work on your craftsmanship.
  • Bring your StoryboardPro files to class. We will open them up and create scenes based on the work you have.

#2 REVIEW "The Making of Wakfu (located on the server)"
  • This video contains a TON of useful information of the professional animation process. I want you to watch this video (if you have not already) and make notes. Be prepared to talk about this film in class on MONDAY!
#3 Continue improving your ENVIRONMENT DESIGNS!
  • We are going to spend a lot of time this semester making the best environments we possibly can. I want you to continue doing research on them and  present to me ideas you have for using your environments further on Monday.
#4 Film ACTING reference of the six seconds you want to animate.
Your reference can go over six(6) seconds. But from now on, you will show me reference footage of the sequence you are about to animate. We will make sure you have quality reference to work with!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Our New Reviewing System for the Next Stage of Class

As you continue refining your artwork, we will need to make sure everyone has good opportunities to view your work and have it reviewed by other students! Because of this, you will need do the following by next class:

  1. Create A blog, specifically for this class, that documents the progress of your animation as you go.
  2. Create A youtube or Vimeo page that you can embed to your blog with in-progress clips of your animation.
  3. When you create these two sites, you must UPLOAD a .mp4 of your animation to youtube for easy viewing. 
  4. Post images of each of your designs to your blog and the server, inside the "Animatics and Designs" folder. 
  5. Continue updating this work. When we are out of class, we will post comments for each other. Details on how will be covered next class!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Homework for Monday:

  1. Continue working on your storyboards and animatic! Bring a new animatic and storyboard to class, fully exported!
  2. Begin work on your character designs. Produce at least preliminary character designs and 1 environment design for your characters!  Warning: THESE WILL BE REVISED!
  3. Come up with a list of sound effects, music, or special effects you may need for your story!

Sunday, September 4, 2016


Hello Class! Hope you’re enjoying your holiday! Below is a short review of any materials you may need to refresh yourself with to storyboard and animatic to the best of your ability!

Hotkeys and shortcuts:  Remember you can go to the settings to create shortcuts! To do so:
  • open your preferences window under —> STORYBOARD PRO ——> Preferences.
  • Clicking the Grey box next to the Clear button, followed by typing the key you want will let you create hotkeys for yourself to navigate Storyboard Pro Easier.
  • Create the following hotkeys:
    • Under LAYER:  Add Layer ( L )
    • Under PLAY / Navigation: Play: (Shift + Spacebar)
    • Under Storyboard: Add Panel: ( P )
    • Under Storyboard: Add Scene: ( Shift + S )
    • Under Storyboard: Duplicate Selected Panels: ( Shift + P )

When creating a storyboard and animatic, you are primarily working with 3 different goals in mind:

  1. Create Quality Drawings
  2. Create Prop[er sequences and timing.
  3. Create Proper exports for animation.

Creating Quality Drawings:
Remember to use the layers to the right of your artwork.

Creating Proper Sequences and timing:

  • Under Windows: Select Timeline.  Below you can see an example of the timeline panel. Create a movie by adjusting the timing of your panels. Sliding your panels for easy use can be done by clicking between each drawing: (Seen down here at 15:01)
  • Remember to name each panel and include all of your information for your story!

Go to FILE -> EXPORT -> MOVIE and FILE -> EXPORT -> PDF. Settings are below: