Monday, October 5, 2015

Midterms Checklist for DM 325

In the MIDTERMS DROPOFF folder, submit a folder labeled as firstname_lastname.  Inside it, I would like you to include the following:

1.  Two Animation videos, marked as "firstname__lastname_Wk1" and "firstname_lastname_wk2"
2.  Any design elements you have created for your film!
Character designs
environment designs
color charts, etc.
3. Your storyboards for your production.
4. Your animatic for your production.
5.  If you have updated your assessment from the beginning of the semester, resubmit your storyboards and animation from the beginning of the semester!
6. A list of your notes for yourself on your current progress with your project! I want to know what you plan to do with your film, any elements (color, FX, character changes etc.) you plan to add to your story! The more information you can provide the better!

For midterms I will be grading you on the following:

A. Craftsmanship (20%): Line-art quality.  How clean are your lines in each section of your animation? Is your character the focal point of your animation, or are the rough lines the focal point?
B. Modeling (20%): How consistent is your character between every frame of your animation?  Do limbs get too thin and then too thick?
C. Performance (20%): Are we captivated by the actions on screen?  Is your animation about the character? Are the performances believable and relatable if we look at your animation as an actor and as the audience?
D. Clarity of storytelling (20%):  What is the story of each animation?  Is the story coming across?
E. Techniques:  Are you demonstrating the principles we've learned in class?

  • Animation creation: Performance is Key!  It's all about how we act and bring our characters to life!
  • Environment Design: Staging and Function Is the most important! We need environments that serve our character's purpose and provide CONTEXT to the scene!
  • Character design:  Big, Medium, and Small Forms, Clear Silhouettes, Shape Symbolism, etc.
  • Animation segment 1: Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose animation. Staging and Solid Drawing!
  • Animation segment 2: Arcs! (Solid and Solid Drawing!)

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