Monday, December 4, 2017


Congratulations! You've made it to the end!

Now that you're here, keep in mind that the end of this class is really the beginning of your future as an animation artist and a production mastermind! Please take the skills you have learned while developing your own film and use it to make many more!

As a reminder, on DECEMBER 11th at 12:00 NOON, I will be looking for the following:

On the server, in your respective folder, create a folder called FINALS.

In that folder, place

  • A copy of your final film -- complete and ready to go!
  • A copy of your animatic.
  • A copy of your storyboards.
  • All design materials and early sketches and the like.
  • I will keep copies of all of your work for posterity, (and in case one of you lose a hard drive or something in the future.)
As stated before, your grade for your film is based on having at least 45 seconds of good, compelling character animation, fully colored, with great cinematography, craftsmanship, audio, and all the production goals you have set for yourself met!  Keep in mind that I will also be looking at your development materials. For full credit, you need to turn in copies of your development materials in addition to the final film! You will not receive full credit for the film alone.

If you have any questions between today and next Monday at noon, know that I will be around this week and will be happy to help anyone with any challenges you have with your film!

Other than that, have a great holiday! =D

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