Monday, August 27, 2018

Assignment for Wednesday, August 29th:

Using the exercise we made in class, I want you to finish improving your other stories!

Bring three fully revised stories to class on Wednesday! Use the post below: "Story editing workshop" To make improvements to your story!

After you complete this, I want you to develop a single image for each story. Take this image as far as you can in the time frame with respects to storytelling, cinematography, staging, and character performance.  Make something akin to a "hero shot:" a single image that - if we had no other panels of your story - does a good job telling us what that story is about.

I know the time frame seems short, but I want you to come to class Wednesday with what you believe is a good drawing that represents what your film is about.  Word of advice, try to draw it as if it was a panel of your animation.

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