Monday, October 10, 2016

What to Do for Wednesday:

  1. Before class on Wednesday, turn in VIDEO FILES of any scenes you have animated in to the PROGRESS_10_12 folder on the server!
  2. Come to class with your production schedule PRINTED OUT! I will take time Wednesday to review each of your schedules and give new information for planning the rest of our films!
    • before the end of the semester, we will make time for audio production, effects animation, color, cleanup, and plenty of refinements!
*repost from last wednesday*

Create a PRODUCTION SCHEDULE for your film! Make a professional calendar that shows me your plans for accomplishing your film! Include these moments:
* Lineart
* Color
* Sound Effects Recording
* Compositing (putting your film together)
  • Be Specific!  This should be a document you put together, not a list of notes in your sketchbook. The more prepared you are, the better we can plan the second half of the semester as a class. I need to know what kind of special effects or techniques you are thinking about using, so we can make time for them.

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